Sunday 22 September 2013

The problem with writing your first blog post

The beginning of anything is hard. But writing the beginning of your very first blog post can seem like an impossible challenge. This is the first blog post of my new blog and just like everyone else starting out I have faced the problem of trying to decide what to write.

Do I use it as a way of introducing myself, explaining that I am not new to blogging or to being social? That I have been more than just a little bit geeky since I was 8 years old and was introduced to my first computer - a BBC Micro of which I have many fond memories?

Do I use it as a way of informing prospective readers of what to expect from my weekly, or maybe rather less frequent after the novelty has worn off, blog posts? But what if I'm not quite sure? Maybe this first blog post is a good place to explain exactly that, that the post topics will evolve over time.

You could also take the realistic view that it really won't matter very much what I write as a first blog post as there is a good chance that initially it may only be close relatives and friends whom I've bribed, that actually make the effort to read my hard sweated words. And of course my first blog post will soon be lost behind newer, better written and more confident posts.

With all this is mind I have made a decision. My first blog post will be about where to go for Blogger help. I'm using Blogger for this blog because of G+ and the ease of connecting the two i.e. they are both Google products. I highly recommend G+ as an invaluable source of information and more specifically +Mike Downes' and +David Kutcher's  new G+ community which I'm sure you will find invaluable - Blogger Talk I will certainly be spending time in the community learning all I can, as I too am in need of improving my Blogger skills - I will be improving the layout and design settings over the next week or so.

As I come to the end of this blog post I realise that I may also need to write a post titled - The problem with ending your first blog post, but I think that will have to wait for another day - don't want to use up all my great blog post ideas in one sitting :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning us - are you adding Google+ comments here? #bloggertalk
